LookDeep for Virtual Fall Prevention

Reduce falls and improve hospital financials through AI-powered virtual monitoring.

Key Benefits

Reduce Fall Rate
and Costs

Sitter Costs


Staff Safety


Monitor Every
High Risk Patient


Reduction in Fall Rate


Reduction Per Patient Monitoring Cost

Falling Short: Legacy Virtual Sitting Misses the Mark

Fall prevention in hospitals is more critical than ever. Patient age and acuity are rising (higher risk), financial penalties are more burdensome, and staff shortages more severe. Legacy solutions have not risen to the challenge – leaving hospitals without cost effective approaches to systematically reducing the the rate of falls and their severity.

With modern technology, we can do better.

Each year, roughly 700,000 to 1 million patient falls occur in U.S. hospitals resulting in around 250,000 injuries and up to 11,000 deaths

The Next Generation of Fall Prevention

No-Cost Hardware
Lowers Costs,
Increases Reach

VisionAI - Instantly
Nudges Attention to
High Risk Patients

Fall Reduction
Financial ROI Drives
Higher Adoption

LookDeep’s zero-cost hardware model reduces the technology cost of monitoring patients for potential falls. Our AI Nudge for falls capability transforms virtual sitting into a hospital wide virtual fall prevention strategy.

AI Nudging that guides virtual monitors to the right patients, workforce management capabilities, incredible usability and a flexible cloud based system enables hospitals to cost effectively monitor every high risk fall patient in the hospital and beyond.

Select Product Capabilities

VisionAI Nudge for Fall Prevention

Always watching AI triggers a nudge when a patient is alone and movement exiting the bed or chair (or other) is detected. Advanced users can use virtual fences to further indicate where patients are at increased risk.

Single Click Intervention

Virtual sitters can quickly intervene prior to any adverse conditions occurring with single-click intervention to talk to the patient, listen to the patient, send an announcement into the room or activate your existing Nurse Call Alarm.

Privacy Curtain

LookDeep helps you balance patient safety with patient privacy. Our application includes a Privacy Curtain. When enabled, the privacy curtain blurs the video for all potential observers while the AI continues to monitor the patient. Visual indication lets staff and the patient know when it is activated or lowered.

Patient Assignments / Team Management

Patient monitoring assignments can utilize the ADT feed and be setup manually, by manager assignment or by smart filtering on patient location and attributes (e.g. all patients in the Main Hospital who are an elopement risk).

Real Time Reporting and Insights

Custom reporting on every aspect of usage, adoption and patient trends is available to managers in real time to manage performance or explore trends of adoption, or norms in system usage and effectiveness. E.g. how often do we talk to patients we are monitoring, does the rate differ by person, time or before patients engage in high risk behaviors.

Industry First — Flight Simulator for Training

Preset scenarios can be configured and utilized to train new monitors, evaluate performance or establish best practices for patient interaction. Virtual monitors can learn through training and be ready for increasingly complex patient scenarios.

Validated AI - Clinical and Research Partnerships

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Start Improving Patient Care and Hospital Financials